vrijdag 6 april 2012


Today I tried Gaea again, one of the scents of Alkemia that I have a sample of. It reminds me of BPAL's Nocnitsa, which seems a little odd. After all, Gaea is the Goddess of the Earth and Nocnitsa the Hag of the Night and the mistress of nightmares. They couldn't be more different. Yet the scents share a note that reminds me of decaying leaves in a puddle of blackened mud in a dark forest. I think, after I corresponded with Sharra from Alkemia about the scent, that it is probably a mushroom note. And of course decay is part of the life cycle of Earth, as well as it might fit a demon of the night. However, when I find a bucket filled with water that I forgot about and it is filled with decayed plant material and I accidentally spill that water over my hands, I wash them until I don't smell it any more. So I don't feel much like applying the same scent to my wrist as a perfume. Alas, this Gaea will not be worn much by me, nor will Nocnitsa.

Nocnitsa: "Her scent is that of a lightless fir wood, nighttime air, wet forest mosses and upturned earth."
Gaea: "Forest loam under warm spring sunshine, new ferns poking up through decaying leaves, maple sap flowing over lichens, mosses and wet stones at the edge of a vernal pool."

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