maandag 16 april 2012


I started today with Aphodesia from Alkemia. It was one of the samples I got as a freebie in my first order. It was quite different from what I expected when I read the description, but at the time I couldn't say what it was that I had not expected or what I had expected that wasn't there. When I tried it again today I immediately said: it's patchouli! Of course there is more in the scent, it has sweetness and I do smell faintly some spices, but it is in fact decorated patchouli. Perhaps it is the aging of the scent or perhaps I amp patchouli, but that is what I smelled today. The description, however, is:
Pure bottled lust. An intoxicating blend of deep eastern spices warmed with creamy vanilla and a few drops of golden frankincense.
Patchouli may be one of the deep eastern spices and the vanilla must be the sweetness I smell, although I could imagine something like cinnamon in it, but only very very little of it. Still, to me this is patchouli and patchouli does not mean lust to me. I have to admit I haven't found a scent that does mean pure lust to me, not even the one that carries that name. But there are scents that at least I could imagine to be connected with lust, patchouli however is not one of them. This is probably personal, nothing is a  personal as scent perception. 

I was not in the mood for patchouli today, so I changed my scent to:

Lady in Speckled Pink Kimono

And that made me wonder. Lady in Speckled Pink Kimono is inspired by a Shunga and shungas are supposed to arouse lust. Such a light sweet scent, could that be considered an aphrodisiac? Could it have that effect? After all, it is all in the mind, the connection between a scent and lust. Which may be why Love Potion Magickal Perfumery adds pheromones to many of their perfumes. Just to make sure (and I wonder if it does make sure) that it will work to arouse lust. 

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