woensdag 5 september 2012

Voodoo Lily

Sauromatum venosum

The name Voodoo Lily has been given to a number of different plants. I like the one above, the Sauromatum venosum but it is not the one that was the inspiration for BPAL scent with that name. The Sauromatum venosum, also known as Typhonium venosum, is sometimes called Voodoo bulb because the flower can grow from the tuber by placing it on a window sill. The flower smells of wet dog or rotting flesh and thus attracts the flies it needs for pollination. This plant is native in tropical Africa and Asia.

Another Voodoo Lily is the Dracunculus vulgaris, but this plant has many names: Dragon Arum, Black Arum, Voodoo Lily, Snake Lily, Stink Lily, Black Lily, Black Dragon, Dragonwort and Ragons. It is native to the Balkans extending as far as Greece. 

Black Phoenix mentions in the scent description yet another plant family, Amorphophallus (which means shapeless penis). This is a family of 170 Arum species some of which are quite huge:

Amophophallus wilhelma

All of the Voodoo Lilies have one thing in common: they all have a bad smell. Fortunately BPAL's Voodoo Lily smells a lot better:
Amorphallus, indeed. A breathtakingly exotic, wild, and grossly erotic spicy gold, purple-black, and burgundy lily.
To me it is a lily scent with an earthy undertone, a rather dark and spicy lily scent. 

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