donderdag 22 maart 2012

Water Dragon

I like this unusual picture of a water dragon for more than one reason. Of course I like it because of the simple fact that it is a dragon as well as it is water. But I also like it because its surroundings remind me of what I see taking the forest paths from Sobieta to the Col d'Oxibar. I love that area with a deep love and each time I am there I have to walk that route to meet old friends. The oak tree that is special to me, the cave, the top with the ancient circular walls all around it, they are all like friends to me. Where the dragon is in the picture above my path would be, although in a very wet season indeed it would be a stream.

This is the path higher up the mountain and I must have a larger photo of it, but I have to find it. Of the path I am reminded of by the water dragon picture I don't have any photos. I carry it in my heart.

My other entries about Water Dragon can be found here and here.

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