zaterdag 21 april 2012


Vixen is originally the word for a female fox. However, the meaning of the word has moved to first 'a woman regarded as quarrelsome, shrewish or malicious' and then to a 'femme fatale' or just a 'sexually attractive woman', just as foxy has come to mean sexually attractive. I don't know what makes a female fox sexually attractive, they certainly don't look like the picture above. I have even found the suggestion of the vixen as a succubus-like demon.
And then there is The Cunning Little Vixen in the opera by Leoš Janáček. She is more like a free spirit who refuses to become a house pet and follows her nature by killing the chickens. Once she is has regained her freedom she manages to lure the badger out of his den and takes it for her own.

BPAL perfumer Beth had the flirty variation of the vixen in mind when she made the scent with this name:
Lascivious, flirtatious, and vampy as hell. A true heartbreaker’s perfume. The innocence of orange blossom tainted by the beguiling scents of ginger and patchouli.
If I ever get my hands on a fresh bottle of this scent I think I shall have to get used to it or put it aside to age for a long time. Because the imp that I have must be very old. The oil has the viscosity of a syrup, it is thick and dark. The patchouli is very well aged, but it has taken the ginger and orange blossom with it. They are still both there and make the patchouli less heavy, whereas the patchouli no doubt has kept the ginger from going stale.

Searching for pictures of Vixens I found one more, the comic book superheroine Mari Jiwe McCabe who debuted in Action Comics #521 and was created by Gerry Conway and Bob Oksner.

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